about me

Pura vida.

Broken down this means “pure” “life.” It also means full of life, full of living, real living, and awesome/cool! This became my motto after an Outward Bound surfing trip that I took in Costa Rica when I was 16.

I moved to the Boston area in 2010 after 6 wonderful years in Burlington, VT. In the not too distant past I became introduced to East Boston. The first time I went there I felt something I had never felt before- like I was home. Growing up in New Jersey I can’t really say I ever felt like the suburbs were where I was supposed to be. I loved Vermont but it took some getting used to. East Boston? Done. Not only is it culturally stimulating. It’s got beautiful views, accessibility to the city and the airport, and it is home to numerous start-ups and non-profits that are  changing the shape of East Boston and Boston in general. There is also something to being in the minority. I’ve lived abroad in different countries and I always loved the work that it took to assimilate to another culture and language. Being mostly Spanish speaking, it’s nice to be able to put my brain to work in East Boston.

It wasn’t long before I started exploring this wonderful new place that I stumbled upon the shipyard at Jeffrie’s Point. I quickly got involved with a local non-profit HarborArts, as their creative coordinator only to learn that the founder of the company once lived on a boat in the Boston Harbor. I was intrigued. Shortly after discovering the liveaboard lifestyle I became hell bent on doing it. I couldn’t think of a better way to accomplish almost all of my short term goals in one fowl swoop. My main goals being: to save money. I won’t go on and on about the thousands upon thousands of dollars in debt I am, I can sum it up in two words- college loans. I’m also looking to downsize. For a long time my life has been a lot about things. Let’s just say I found the “free” section on Craigslist and my amount of belongings tripled. The more stuff that I’ve gotten rid of, the more I’ve found it easier to keep my life clean and organized, to find things in my apartment, and to decide between things, for example it’s easier to pick out what jeans to wear when I have three to choose from instead of thirty. Aside from saving space and money there is also the element of trying something new and challenging that forces me to step outside of my comfort zone. Plus there is the obvious upside. I get to live on a boat.

While I’m in this process of making new connections and learning how to navigate the sea of change I have come to feel an overwhelming desire to give back to the community that I so admire. I think that things like random acts of kindness and donating your time and energy to a good cause have more of an effect on change than we may think.

If you are interested in hearing more about my story, I can be reached at aliwisch@gmail.com

Another MV shot, at the beach with Mi Madre. Check out her vintage Raybans.

Buried in the sand on Martha’s Vineyard.

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